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30 Ways Hypnosis Can Help Cancer Patients 

  • Aggression

  • Anger

  • Changes in the body

  • Concentration

  • Creating positive expectations

  • Emotions

  • Erectile Dysfunction

  • Fatigue

  • Fears

  • Feeling of loneliness

  • Incontinence

  • Memory

  • Nausea

  • Numbness

  • Pain


Being diagnosed with cancer can be one of the scariest times in one's life. The "not knowing" of what is going to take place adds to the anxiety that cancer patients face. Hypnosis has been used for years helping people overcome a variety of problems. Listed below are a few of the situations where hypnosis could help the cancer patient.

  • Post surgery suggestions

  • Pre-surgery suggestions

  • Quality of life

  • Recapturing happiness

  • Restoring dignity

  • Sadness

  • Self Confidence

  • Self Image

  • Sleep problems

  • Stress

  • Treatment side effects

  • Trouble communicating

  • Weight gain

  • Weight loss

  • Worrying about others


Thankfully, no cancer patient ever experiences all of these problems, but almost all cancer patients experience some of them. Please contact me to learn more about how to add hypnosis to your medical treatment.

Ways Hypnosis Can Help Caregivers

A caregiver may be a licensed professional or a family member providing care to a friend or family member. The full definition of a caregiver is someone, typically over age 18, who provides care for another. Someone who tends to the needs of the elderly, sick, or disabled.


It is generally one who gives assistance to another person who is no longer able to perform the critical tasks of personal or household care necessary for everyday survival. Hypnosis can help a caregiver to reduce stress and take back control of their life.


There are several types of hypnosis sessions that have been created for the caregivers. For many, the need for stress reduction is very high on the lists of items that they wish to overcome. The second issue covers several different problems where the caregiver wants to take back control over their life. It has been noted after most hypnotic sessions, subjects report that they sleep better at night and are more relaxed during their daily life.

Thank you for your expertise yesterday. I wanted you to know that I slept pretty well last night. I got up quite frequently, but I slept quite well, blessedly, in between getting up. Yeah. Thank you!


It's been a difficult week and my energy has been particularly low. There have been further painkiller reductions that have triggered more pain as well, and reduced appetite, which further exhausted me. I am looking forward to working with you again in the coming weeks to help me with pain. For now, I am very encouraged with my progress.


Your recording, Kimberly, has been a blessing and I'm glad to have it to use frequently. Truly, my mind is the most important tool I have and I am fortunate to have you to help me tap into this amazing resource.


My nurse was here today to change my dressing and we discovered that my wound shrank by an entire centimeter in width in four days, from 15 to 14, which is a tremendous demonstration of my body's phenomenal healing power. She was astonished at my progress. I've been using "I am healing" to reduce pain and affirm the process.

What Clients are Saying...


The services I render are held out to the public as nontherapeutic hypnotism, defined as the use of hypnosis to inculcate positive thinking and the capacity for self-hypnosis. I do not represent my services as any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite my training, research and testimonies to the contrary, by law I make no health benefit claims for my services.
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